Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ignorance is Not Bliss

Yes, the famous quote which is a fraction of the poem does not say so, the one who created  has something else in his mind for sure or he may not be an employee in today’s organisation, where you just cannot afford to be oblivious of certain things which has its own implications on our professional lives and sometimes personal too. Ignoring a work problem doesn't make it go away any more than turning off the TV lowers the murder rate.

How many times we have over looked problems related to our subordinates, be it their behavior and attitude, work related problems and so on and then later when it came back to us in some other form chiefly attrition we always felt the gust. Then why not learn some lessons and give some importance to some areas which if ignored will not be Bliss…
Bonds are illegal:
Slavery in other forms is back in India, in fact I think it never left us and now many organizations are still following with a new name Bond (no not James Bond) service bond.
What you all should Know:
Section 5 of the Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976.
Section 5 : Agreement, custom, etc., to be void.- On the commencement of this Act, any custom or tradition or any contract, agreement or other instrument (whether entered into or executed before or after the commencement of this Act), by virtue of which any person, or any member of the family or dependant of such person, is required to do any work or render any service as a bonded labourer, shall be void and inoperative.
PF is your right:
Once you leave the company employer has no right to impede your PF, they can repudiate to sign on the form or delay it unnecessary for harassment but the verity is they have no control on PF.
What you should know:
There are measures that can be followed to get the amount transferred to your new account. When a member finds difficult to get the form attested by the employer, he can get the attestation on form 19 and 10 c from any of the following officers & send it to the Provident Fund office :
Manager of a bank.
By any gazetted officer.
Member of the Central Board of Trustees./ committee/ Regional Committee (Employees’ Provident Fund Organization).
Magistrate/ Post/ Sub Post Master/ President of Village Panchayat/ Notary Public.
Apart from withdrawal and transfer, an employee should know about what is the percentage of contribution of both the employee and the employer.
Pay slips/Salary slips are mandatory
Companies do not issue salary slips and you accept the employment offer without giving much significance, in fact discounting its importance and eventually while changing jobs or applying for a loan when they need the instrument in question, which is missing and then nothing can be done about that.
What you should know:
Issue of wages slips is mandatory under the Minimum Wages Act1948. If the establishment is covered under this Act then wages slips are to be issued to the employees a day prior to the disbursement of wages. The wages slips are to be signed by the pay-in charge. Work of issuance of these slips is to be seen by the HR department as the work relates to implementation of labour laws.
In case the establishment is not covered under this act, it is beneficial to provide pay slips for a lot of reasons.
Maternity benefit cannot be denied:
If you are fulfilling the basic eligibility criteria for applying for Maternity Benefit in an organization, the employer cannot deny that.
Knowing about certain laws actually helps you draft your future course of action in a proper manner, there are many queries on the forum, regarding the same from dismissal during pregnancy to leaves during maternity. It is really empirical to know the laws concerning situations one can come across.
Termination of employment without following procedure is considered as breach of contract:
The company has right to terminate the employees after complying with various provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act. On the other hand, termination without following the provisions, such as seeking prior permission from the government, issuing (written) notice to the employees etc, will be treated as illegal.
Terminating an employee: They should be given notice of the intention of the company to terminate him with reasons thereof. Termination for misconduct requires service of charge sheet and conduct of domestic enquiry etc.
These are just few of the things you should be sentient of, the list is long, but the message that we sought to put across is apparent and precise..  IGNORANCE isn’t Bliss!

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