Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Attitude, Behavior and Betari Box

Attitude, Behavior and Betari Box

Attitude, Behavior and Betari Box
I was going through a query raised by a member in Citehr, and the title of the query is Attitude….
A technical person (2 years experience) who is good technically but his attitude is very bad E.g. He gives bill for petrol allowance from his home to office if he works on Sundays; we have given lots of privileges (such as no LOP.) If it is questioned he tries to put in some other bill. Even though if there is bus facility he uses only auto & claims heavily, if I question all this, he is showing in his performance.
Above all, this is poisoning other employees who are following his foot path (this need not be taught)
Since it is a growing company we as employees should help them in achieving their goal. I am not asking them to work freely, but I feel they should not cheat the company. I feel it is not fair.
The ideas are coming and going, about what to reply ….what a coincidence? Suddenly a Text message comes, which says
“Attitude is like a wrist watch…every watch may show different time than others but everyone thinks that their watch is showing the right time”
So when you and I must be thinking that our attitudes are the right ones, in fact the attitude of the third person is the correct one, unfortunately there is no right or wrong attitude, its just negative or/ and positive.
Lets try to study this problem through Betari Box and how our attitudes relates to behavior which then causes problems in the entire work environment and gives birth to conflict.
What is Betari Box?
Betari’s Box works on the understanding that we all have the ability to choose an attitude. For example, you begin your day on a very positive note; and then gradually you get into a squabble with your maid before departing for office, insentience you probably start showing the signs of negative attitude when you enter the workplace, and just behave in a manner which is downbeat,  in other words you unconsciously select an attitude.
The Betari’s Box model portrays that actually we have the knack to opt this attitude consciously.  If we truly bestow upon this notion we can begin to pick what kind of mind-set we want to demonstrate. So by implementing the appropriate attitude, you are taking full responsibility for your destiny, which in turn affects your behavior.
The model of Betari’s Box works like this:
What happened in the case mentioned above?
The technical person has been showing his negative attitude by producing fake bills and taking advantage of the situation, now this has affected his behavior, which unconsciously or consciously started affecting the attitudes of other colleagues in an organization and so their behavior is also tainted and affected.
Once this behavior progresses unknowingly it will lead to conflict which can be easily dealt with at this stage itself, the only solution to stop this circular ongoing process is to recognize that it is happening, your tone, words, body language, and gestures show how your attitude affects your behavior.
Similarly, when I send out certain signals, my behavior will affect your attitude too; for instance, the boss reaches the office in a bright mood and cheerfully greets the assistant while asking for a cup of coffee and the assistant will demonstrate the gratitude with the same exuberance, unconsciously getting affected.
To change the behavior of others, first watch the technical person’s attitude and how it affects his behavior. Then discern how his behavior affects other people. You can rupture the unconscious loop by noticing how the behavior of others makes him feel and refusing to let it affect his attitude without first censoring this process.
# Decide your own path by not reacting to the behavior of others in a similar manner, you have the choice to select how you want to respond, if your colleague is behaving in a certain negative manner, choose not to act in the similar fashion, just smile and get away.
# Our attitude surely makes an impact on others, so decide what kind of impact you would like to create.
# Breaking the circular cycle is completely in the hands of the owner of the attitude, whether a fight at home, less hike in the salary, whatever upsets you or brings negative thoughts, break the spell by thinking of something positive.
# So, in the case mentioned above, let’s talk to the person involved who is showing such an attitude of being indispensable and try to find out the reasons, and lets see if he is also stuck in the cycle of Betari Box…and help him out. Being empathetic plays a major role in identifying the magic charm of Betari Box.

more at http://www.citeman.com/16392-attitude-behavior-and-betari-box.html#ixzz2VnoMg35R

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ignorance is Not Bliss

Yes, the famous quote which is a fraction of the poem does not say so, the one who created  has something else in his mind for sure or he may not be an employee in today’s organisation, where you just cannot afford to be oblivious of certain things which has its own implications on our professional lives and sometimes personal too. Ignoring a work problem doesn't make it go away any more than turning off the TV lowers the murder rate.

How many times we have over looked problems related to our subordinates, be it their behavior and attitude, work related problems and so on and then later when it came back to us in some other form chiefly attrition we always felt the gust. Then why not learn some lessons and give some importance to some areas which if ignored will not be Bliss…
Bonds are illegal:
Slavery in other forms is back in India, in fact I think it never left us and now many organizations are still following with a new name Bond (no not James Bond) service bond.
What you all should Know:
Section 5 of the Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976.
Section 5 : Agreement, custom, etc., to be void.- On the commencement of this Act, any custom or tradition or any contract, agreement or other instrument (whether entered into or executed before or after the commencement of this Act), by virtue of which any person, or any member of the family or dependant of such person, is required to do any work or render any service as a bonded labourer, shall be void and inoperative.
PF is your right:
Once you leave the company employer has no right to impede your PF, they can repudiate to sign on the form or delay it unnecessary for harassment but the verity is they have no control on PF.
What you should know:
There are measures that can be followed to get the amount transferred to your new account. When a member finds difficult to get the form attested by the employer, he can get the attestation on form 19 and 10 c from any of the following officers & send it to the Provident Fund office :
Manager of a bank.
By any gazetted officer.
Member of the Central Board of Trustees./ committee/ Regional Committee (Employees’ Provident Fund Organization).
Magistrate/ Post/ Sub Post Master/ President of Village Panchayat/ Notary Public.
Apart from withdrawal and transfer, an employee should know about what is the percentage of contribution of both the employee and the employer.
Pay slips/Salary slips are mandatory
Companies do not issue salary slips and you accept the employment offer without giving much significance, in fact discounting its importance and eventually while changing jobs or applying for a loan when they need the instrument in question, which is missing and then nothing can be done about that.
What you should know:
Issue of wages slips is mandatory under the Minimum Wages Act1948. If the establishment is covered under this Act then wages slips are to be issued to the employees a day prior to the disbursement of wages. The wages slips are to be signed by the pay-in charge. Work of issuance of these slips is to be seen by the HR department as the work relates to implementation of labour laws.
In case the establishment is not covered under this act, it is beneficial to provide pay slips for a lot of reasons.
Maternity benefit cannot be denied:
If you are fulfilling the basic eligibility criteria for applying for Maternity Benefit in an organization, the employer cannot deny that.
Knowing about certain laws actually helps you draft your future course of action in a proper manner, there are many queries on the forum, regarding the same from dismissal during pregnancy to leaves during maternity. It is really empirical to know the laws concerning situations one can come across.
Termination of employment without following procedure is considered as breach of contract:
The company has right to terminate the employees after complying with various provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act. On the other hand, termination without following the provisions, such as seeking prior permission from the government, issuing (written) notice to the employees etc, will be treated as illegal.
Terminating an employee: They should be given notice of the intention of the company to terminate him with reasons thereof. Termination for misconduct requires service of charge sheet and conduct of domestic enquiry etc.
These are just few of the things you should be sentient of, the list is long, but the message that we sought to put across is apparent and precise..  IGNORANCE isn’t Bliss!

For more go to...
more at http://www.citeman.com/16633-ignorance-is-not-bliss.html#comment-230239033#ixzz2QF9LQSa3

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

To be or not to be?

Quoting these lines from the famous play, Hamlet written by the great playwright William Shakespeare, the question asked by Hamlet in the scene where he is contemplating suicide, ‘To be, or not to be: which means – is it better to live or die.
Hamlet’s phrase is certainly the most famous judgment on the fear of the unknown. The fear of what will happen the next day or in the future. We all come across such fears, on the job-you are fearful of retrenchment. When you greet your boss in the morning, and suddenly your boss looks away, what do you think? Your timorous imagination will tell you that your boss is thinking of retrenching you. Poor you, he may in fact be just getting some papers from the photo copier, but our qualms of unknown makes us so vulnerable to think in a negative mode.
In the professional world, the dilemma of to be or not to be must have been faced by many of us, no no…not in the sense of suicidal death, but whether to do something or not. One such common example could be during Exit interviews or while giving a resignation.
Double Trouble:
Facing a snag from a bad boss, to no hike in the salary, trouble can be of many types, though I’m of the opinion that a bird at hand is worth a dozen in the bush. Spread your wings, and begin to see yourself soar high. Though you may not find fulfillment in your present job but are you sure you will find it in your future job? What is the motive behind your reasoning?
Before going for other opportunities ask yourself factual questions: What is the motive behind your plan: is it for the money or for growth? If it’s the money, then there is a problem but if it is about growth/career then you are building a foundation, Career building is like a pyramid which might take time but the outcome is as beautiful as the Pyramids of Egypt.
Leaving a company where you have poured in many great years of learning and making mistakes, the comfort level with fellow team members may not be there (it’s just a matter of few days) and once you get acquainted with the system and culture it will welcome you with open arms.
Quandary of emotions:
Will you get a promotion or not is another such example with ingredients of fear and predicament. Why worry dear friends when the efforts are being made, each step taken with utmost care and hard work, why lose sleep over such a trivial issue, yes, your future may be dependent on this promotion and growth but what if you don’t get it, will you not flourish? Will you be stuck to your present situation and designation? The answer is in affirmation.
The plight of Bonhomie:
Maternity leaves and benefits also bring lots of confusion, should I tell my boss or wait for a few more months, what would be his/her reaction, will he let me continue or ask me to resign, in fact recently there has been a query related to a similar dilemma. Read this….the plight of a lady…
I’ve a query regarding maternity benefit. I joined this company in Oct 2010, my probation is over & I’ve received my confirmation letter.
In Feb I told my manager about my pregnancy, but after that his behavior towards me changed, he says that I’m not focused in my work & he wants me to resign. I denied resigning as I said that I’m meeting up my KRA’s & this is not the actual reason.

I know that if I will resign I won’t be eligible for maternity benefit.
Please let me know if he terminates me would I be eligible for maternity benefit or not? Let me know what maternity benefit Act says in this case.”(Sic)
The fun of working in such companies then goes, when you deal with such situations, where after your efforts and performance also. You are being punished for no fault of yours!
And then I have experienced many females who couldn’t fully enjoy their golden period of motherhood.
Bid farewell and spill the beans:
Sitting anxiously for the exit interview, with a tsunami of thoughts, thumping of heartbeats, and mind wondering whether to disclose the agony of ridicule you have faced by the boss/co worker, or may be the environmental issue you have come across, the tyranny of leadership or any such concern.The question is to disclose it or not, as there are chances that the exit will become knotty with such loops that may not untie, also closing all the doors of communication and tryst.
But if you have a conscience why not open up in a positive manner and heave out the long faced anguish, may be the person who will replace you, will relish the autonomy.
There is a fabulous song also,
I’m free from the fear of tomorrow,
I’m free from the guilt of past
Hence just go ahead and deal with the dilemma and be a sport and let Hamlet deal with the quest of – To be or not to be………:)

more at http://www.citeman.com/15832-to-be-or-not-to-be.html#ixzz2VnviMRJ5

Monday, June 10, 2013

Avoid the Trap – Weigh Your Alternatives

Avoid the Trap – Weigh Your Alternatives
A point of cross roads or a dilemma, you can call it any name. Choosing an option, whether to follow your boss after he has decided to call it off with the present company while quietly extending an offer your way to join them in their next venture or to stay put. Its tough to take a call here but if you brood over this profoundly you may get the answers you are looking for.
Consider thoughts like, do you enjoy working for them? Which is the most important question of moving with him/her to a new job? If you don’t like working for them then switching jobs will not improve your work environment or working conditions. If you do enjoy working with your present boss, then that is a positive reason to move, but remember if you don’t like working for him, just because he has a new job doesn’t mean his personality will change or his work ethics.
Sometimes we consider this as a safe bet and move on but how many times do we consider a question. What am I moving for? Is there anything for me in this shift or its just an unadorned option of following blindly?
Ensure you are not losing your identity in the course of such an action; the relationship you share today may turn sour tomorrow and then what? Weigh your options in a manner that will bring fruits for you in the long term.
Think about responsibilities, your role, the company and brand name( if you are interested in that), the freedom of thoughts to work, creativity factor, your dignity in the due course, the relationship you share and if this is what you planned for your self or not? Sometimes, though we get attracted towards the monetary benefits we fail to realize that the new role may not fit us but only be conducive to our bosses.
  • The boss knows you well, and the gelling obviously will pay a crucial role in working together in the new assignment also. How to capitalize on your strengths and weaknesses is the boss’s job and if (s) he is good at that then why not?
  • It is wise in some cases to shift, chiefly when you know that this is how you get better opportunities and this person can actually guide you towards the right direction. The faith in your mentor if you consider them one is the key in situations like that. Once you plan your move, don’t look back for any reasons of regret.
  • Better & superior opportunities await you on the other side, most of the times this is what happens if the move is planned as your boss has obviously moved for a higher package, a larger role and enriched responsibilities, the bigger his pie the chances are you are going to get the large chunk of the pie as his/her pet.
Following him/her sometimes is like being a shadow…and not actually looking for your own growth.
  • Sometimes, an employee is just left to being a dummy and then these people don’t enjoy the stint by following their bosses. Low respect, no dignity and other similar factors come in the way of success then and the bell of regret is all that rings in the mind.
  • Most of the time the Boss is moving for his own benefit, and on his own conditions, if you think that they match with you then go ahead but if not then discourage your thoughts of going on with him especially if you have no other motive than just being an acquaintance to your boss.
  • Once you ponder on the reasons you may realize that staying back may offer a better opportunity, you might end up in the same position as a successor, which  might not be the case if you follow.
Here is the self confessed real story of agony of following blindly,
I am working with the same Boss for the last 6 years. I have been with him in the last 3 companies. Now due to the long relationship he has started taking me for granted.
Some of the important points I am narrating below:
1. No exposure to senior management
I am in the current company since the last 3 years and all theese 3 years he has stopped me from interacting with the senior management of the company. Whatever I am doing as my job role; He shows to the top bosses as if he has done them. He stops me from talking & mailing to them. He manages region & I am handling location but he stops me from interacting with my counterparts even at the location level.
2. Harassment assuming he is the Godfather for me
Due to the long relationship he has started taking me for granted, he harasses me like anything. No leaves, No Saturday offs, unnecessary work pressure. The way he interacts with me & my counterparts is totally different where in he insults me in front of my counterparts & team mates. He thinks I don’t have any option other than him.
3. Dual reporting problem
Due to structure change now, I am reporting to 2 bosses (Old one & new One (Business Head)). Actually my Old boss is VP & New Boss is SVP. Old boss stops me from interacting, sharing data, coordinating with him. Due to which new boss thinks I am a bit reserved towards him. He tells me don’t interact with him as I have done everything here for 3 years and this guy is trying to take the credit where as on the other hand he himself interacts with him and shows him the picture that he is doing everything in my location.
4. No decision making powers
He has not given me any decision making powers so far. Whenever any approval of my level comes in; He stops me from making any decision giving the reason of lack of experience for the same.
Changing to a new job without a lot of pondering and honest soul-searching can sometimes be the best thing you could do for your career. So please ensure you don’t fall in the trap where the piece of cheese is bigger but not tasty

more at http://www.citeman.com/16448-avoid-the-trap-%e2%80%93-weigh-your-alternatives.html#ixzz2VnlsMklz

Ferocious Fire – Tame the Fury

Fire and safety concerns are trivial in nature and even then most companies lose their business over this particular reason…especially where the companies are involved with global clients and exports.
Be it placing of fire extinguishers or their timely replacement, conducting mock drills, exit signs or any such empirical matter considerable concerns are not shown by the companies.

Aren’t we unnecessarily pushing human resources and other resources towards an uncalled for accident…
Tell me the truth or may be ask yourself- How many of you conduct a regular mock drill in your companies? 

How many employees are trained to use the extinguishers? Are you sure just a handful of people can take care of the fire(God Forbid) if that happens in a large facility. Some of you can very well pass the buck by saying that it is the administration department’s job and not HRs, but I’m afraid, my dear friends it is not the case. Each one of us is responsible for safety from fire.

What all things are important and need to be considered in terms of Fire Safety? May be this can work as your checklist:

# Fire hazards: Reporting of such things as overloaded electrical sockets and improperly contained flammable materials must be maintained as the responsibility of every employee.  Further, adherence to following safety procedures within the workplace is essential to preventing fires. It is imperative that if you see any possible fire hazard you immediately notify a manager. A huge proportion of fires are started by faulty electrical equipment  Storage cupboards full of paperwork or piles of empty cardboard boxes stacked against an outside wall are classic examples of potential hazards, providing plenty of fuel if a fire does start.

# Fire Safety and education: Actions in the event of a fire, while a fire is certainly a terrifying thing and not something to be taken lightly, it is also something that can be controlled and extinguished. Firstly, it is important that you do not attempt to handle the situation alone. Educating employees is very empirical for the prevention of fire, there are specialized training programs offered by many institutions and free lancers also, we need to get our staff trained about the know how of fire safety, prevention and to do list. Hand outs can also be given so that people can study them as and when they get the time, also educating them about cleanliness, hazardous material, fire causing material is also very important.

Fire alarms: There are various types of alarms available in the market these days, we just need to ensure which suits the best for the facility and can be heard by all the employees when required. There are certain levels of sound an alarm should create, so do check before you install it in your premises.

Means of escape – exit points; Clear signs of exit points should always be there in the premises, which can be readable and can be seen in the dark as well. Stairways, corridors and any such escape routes should be kept clear of all obstructions. Nothing should impede the evacuation route so that in the last minute there is no clearing required for these areas. Another important aspect is being human even in the times of difficulties, shoving and pushing people while escaping is actually being selfish and can invite another mishap like a stampede. So don’t forget the humanistic approach.

# Fire extinguisher training: Pulling the pin will allow you to squeeze the handle in order to discharge the extinguisher. Intending at the base of the fire helps as it souses easily; aiming at the middle will do no good.  The agent will pass through the flames, then Squeeze the handle which will release the pressurized extinguishing agent keep sweeping from side to side and cover the entire area that is on fire.  Continue until the fire is extinguished. Keep an eye on the area for re-lighting.

Types of fire extinguishers:
@ CO2 type extinguishers contains carbon di oxide and can work on flammable liquids and solids, gases and electric wires
@ ABC type with nitrogen gas, which can take care of fire due to rubber products, paper, flammable gases, liquids and solids and electric related fire.
@ DCP Extinguisher contains sodium bi carbonate as the extinguisher media used for flammable liquids, gases, solids and fire from metal related.
@ Special DCP – which has synthetic foam to take care of fire rising from flammable liquids and solids.

# Mock drills: Conducting mock drills is again an important part of fire safety and education. Mock drills actually help in understanding the events that can occur at the time of fire and also prepare the employees to what to expect at the time of a fire and how to find an escape route and gather at a pre-decided point.

# Sprinklers, Heat and smoke detectors: Smoke detectors are more efficient at detecting fire, precaution needs to be taken in installing them at the correct place and heat detectors can also be placed where chances of increased heat is high such as boilers and server rooms for example. Sprinklers help in dousing the fire and works when a predetermined temperature has been reached.

Just do not let the ferocious fire take unnecessarily advantage of ignorance… Just handle it with care and let it not destroy us.

more at http://www.citeman.com/16487-ferocious-fire-%e2%80%93-tame-the-fury.html#ixzz2TqrPh8Uy