Attitude, Behavior and Betari Box

I was going through a query raised by a member in Citehr, and the title of the query is Attitude….
A technical person (2 years experience) who is good technically but his attitude is very bad E.g. He gives bill for petrol allowance from his home to office if he works on Sundays; we have given lots of privileges (such as no LOP.) If it is questioned he tries to put in some other bill. Even though if there is bus facility he uses only auto & claims heavily, if I question all this, he is showing in his performance.
Above all, this is poisoning other employees who are following his foot path (this need not be taught)
Since it is a growing company we as employees should help them in achieving their goal. I am not asking them to work freely, but I feel they should not cheat the company. I feel it is not fair.
The ideas are coming and going, about what to reply ….what a coincidence? Suddenly a Text message comes, which says
“Attitude is like a wrist watch…every watch may show different time than others but everyone thinks that their watch is showing the right time”
So when you and I must be thinking that our attitudes are the right ones, in fact the attitude of the third person is the correct one, unfortunately there is no right or wrong attitude, its just negative or/ and positive.
Lets try to study this problem through Betari Box and how our attitudes relates to behavior which then causes problems in the entire work environment and gives birth to conflict.
What is Betari Box?
Betari’s Box works on the understanding that we all have the ability to choose an attitude. For example, you begin your day on a very positive note; and then gradually you get into a squabble with your maid before departing for office, insentience you probably start showing the signs of negative attitude when you enter the workplace, and just behave in a manner which is downbeat, in other words you unconsciously select an attitude.
The Betari’s Box model portrays that actually we have the knack to opt this attitude consciously. If we truly bestow upon this notion we can begin to pick what kind of mind-set we want to demonstrate. So by implementing the appropriate attitude, you are taking full responsibility for your destiny, which in turn affects your behavior.
The model of Betari’s Box works like this:
What happened in the case mentioned above?
The technical person has been showing his negative attitude by producing fake bills and taking advantage of the situation, now this has affected his behavior, which unconsciously or consciously started affecting the attitudes of other colleagues in an organization and so their behavior is also tainted and affected.
Once this behavior progresses unknowingly it will lead to conflict which can be easily dealt with at this stage itself, the only solution to stop this circular ongoing process is to recognize that it is happening, your tone, words, body language, and gestures show how your attitude affects your behavior.
Similarly, when I send out certain signals, my behavior will affect your attitude too; for instance, the boss reaches the office in a bright mood and cheerfully greets the assistant while asking for a cup of coffee and the assistant will demonstrate the gratitude with the same exuberance, unconsciously getting affected.
To change the behavior of others, first watch the technical person’s attitude and how it affects his behavior. Then discern how his behavior affects other people. You can rupture the unconscious loop by noticing how the behavior of others makes him feel and refusing to let it affect his attitude without first censoring this process.
# Decide your own path by not reacting to the behavior of others in a similar manner, you have the choice to select how you want to respond, if your colleague is behaving in a certain negative manner, choose not to act in the similar fashion, just smile and get away.
# Our attitude surely makes an impact on others, so decide what kind of impact you would like to create.
# Breaking the circular cycle is completely in the hands of the owner of the attitude, whether a fight at home, less hike in the salary, whatever upsets you or brings negative thoughts, break the spell by thinking of something positive.
# So, in the case mentioned above, let’s talk to the person involved who is showing such an attitude of being indispensable and try to find out the reasons, and lets see if he is also stuck in the cycle of Betari Box…and help him out. Being empathetic plays a major role in identifying the magic charm of Betari Box.
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