The elevator to success is out of order. You’ll have to use the stairs… One step at a time said Joe Girard. Success comes when we opt for the path where not many people have traveled, as a substitute of taking short cuts. Life in the corporate teaches many such lessons when you chose a short cut road or stumpy, hard and overgrown corridor.
Superfluous reference: Social networking sites often give an opportunity to connect with people they have never interacted with before and undoubtedly it has a positive impact, but demanding reference from people who have no idea about you, your profile and your career goals, asking for orientation at some company or may be their own company is asking for too much. I have come across many such people on networking sites who would add you just to open the door of opportunities. Referring some one is not bad, but not knowing the background may land you in trouble and people who are ready to hire some one just by virtue of their face value may then keep a distance from you too. Success is all pervasive but such tactics may end up in closing all gates to heaven, one may obtain a job by such procedures but can only protract it with sheer hard work and meticulousness.
Jaspal Bhatti’s sumptuous Promotion feast: Lol..so nostalgic, still remember the comic King Jaspal Bhatti’s 90s saga, laughing our heart to his plain simple dark comedies based on all important areas of life, be it corruption, electricity theft, stealing of ration and what not, one such episode was based on treating the boss with a scrumptious meal to get a promotion and believe me the scenario hasn’t changed much, many of us still get involved in such activities with trips to famous Pataya beach, booze parties, and what not. Resilience is the most forgotten word in the corporate world and people look for many shorter routes to stay away from hurdles….But you don’t get roses without the thorn!
Face the bull by its horn: Storms will come but the wise people will cut the stream and clear the channel and not flow with the stride. Creating a conduit different from others may take a longer time but eventually will end up at a dream destination with your feet dug down in to the earth…Struggling to get what one wants is the real success,Michael Jordan said about his journey…. “I’ve missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot . . . and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
So no shortcuts, no frills and fancies, not going askance are the keys to achieve desired success.
Slam the sham: Fake experience certificates, phony degrees, forged documents and what not, many queries are asked on the forum about such things, one such query is- “Can I show fake experience as I’m not getting any job? Friends are asking me to show fake experience to land a job.’” Hello!! If friends are suggesting such things then foes are much better. It takes me back to an incident which happened a few years back, a Vice chancellor of a famous University was snatched off his degrees at the age of 56, and his one folly was, that he had forged his PhD thesis, and many things were just copied and pasted. He enjoyed many years of success but in the end what remained was just sheer agony because of one mistake.
Braving the Malady: The truly successful measure of one’s success is not based on numbers but passion, determination, and the will to help people. Choosing a less traveled path may bring about roadblocks and pot holes but be assured it is just to keep you grounded with realities and not gliding with frivolous triumphs of life. Loyalty also comes when we are striving for success while being grounded and not just attempting to direct without actually furnishing the tasks.
Revising the entire system will take time, but with each step that we take we negate each point and move ahead. Let us all gather to create some more success stories without gratuitous short cuts. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain
So what is your success story, decant your thoughts here, the ramp is designed we are just waiting for your performance :) Hop on the bus of creativity and get started…
more at http://www.citeman.com/15988-the-path-less-traveled.html#ixzz2VnvBrQnP
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